"I bow to the universe & the universe bows back."
Morihei Ueshiba — O'Sensei
Tenchi Aikido Philosophy
Ten means heaven and chi means earth. This refers to our alignment to spirit in matter. The flowing connection of heaven & earth is our center. The emergence of the creative flow is the universal cornucopia, the Yin & Yang. From here everything moves and maintains a dynamic natural balance.
The universe pulsates, a constant flow in, through, and out of form. O’Sensei called it “the myriad forms of existence.” This is creativity or spontaneity that is Takemusu Aiki. As we open to the universe we tap into universal harmony. O’Sensei’s guidance and that of the Kami (Universal Energies) are our friends.
We dedicate ourselves to the Aikido principles of love and harmony and carry our practice into our families, communities, professions and planetary well being. We train to trade in the old human habits of greed, hatred, power, jealousy, etc. to explore the source of love. Knowing that all answers lie within our mind-body, we explore to discover “the mind’s natural state of peace” — Byron Katie.
As a training community we are here to support one another. As we keep giving we participate in each other’s growth. We acknowledge the Universal Life Force (ki) that motivates and permeates all of creation. We remind ourselves that this creative force supports all of us.
Please join us in our training community. We welcome you. We are here to support our collective growth.
All levels are welcome, including those who do not wish to fall.
~ Sensei Betsy Hill, 6th dan